Honouring the Name above all names
"You shall not take the Name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain." (Exodus 20:7)
When God revealed himself to Moses, he gave a name unlike any other. "I am who I am," he declared (Exodus 3:14). This isn’t a name like the idols of old—names that implied control or manipulation. God’s name is a declaration of his nature: self-existent, eternal, and unchanging. He is not a god made by human hands; he is the sovereign Creator of all things. He cannot be controlled, defined, or limited. He simply is.
God’s name is a reflection of his covenant faithfulness. He is not only the great "I am" but also the God who enters into relationship with his people, keeping his promises for a thousand generations. His name carries weight, majesty, and glory beyond measure.
The Majesty of His Name
The psalmist declares, "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Psalm 8:1). The name of God is not merely a title—it represents his reputation, his deeds, and his very essence. To honour his name is to honour who he is. To misuse his name is to treat him lightly, as though he were not the sovereign King of the universe.
The Danger of Abusing His Name
God takes the misuse of his name seriously because his name is bound to his glory. To curse, take false oaths, or use his name carelessly is to diminish the honour due to him. Misusing his name, whether through witchcraft or flippant speech, treats the holy as common. Jesus himself warns against unnecessary oaths, urging us to let our "yes" be "yes" and our "no" be "no" (Matthew 5:37). When we misuse God's name, we forget the weight of his holiness and the depth of his grace.
The Joy of Properly Using His Name
But there is a better way—a way of reverence, joy, and relationship. God invites us to confess his name boldly (Romans 10:9-10), to call upon him in prayer (Psalm 50:15), and to honour him through our words and actions (1 Timothy 2:8). Every time we speak or act in a way that glorifies his name, we participate in the holy calling of making his glory known in the world.
Living the First Petition
When we pray, "Hallowed be your name," we are asking God to guard his reputation in the world and to use us as instruments of his glory. We acknowledge that his name is sacred, and we commit ourselves to living in a way that reflects his holiness and majesty.
A Closing Reflection
Do we live as though God’s name is majestic in all the earth? Do our words, prayers, and actions reflect the weight of his glory? Let us ask the Spirit to guide us in honouring the name that is above every name, the name of the One who is, and was, and is to come. May our lives hallow his name and proclaim his covenant faithfulness to all the earth.
Based on lesson given to Karen Zoom class, May 13, 2021