Psalm 119, as is well known, is an
acrostic poem. It is an extended meditation on the torah, the "law" or "teaching" of the word of God. It uses eight synonyms for torah: law, commandment, statute, precept, testimony, word, promise, and teaching. It consists of twenty-two stanzas of eight verses
each. In the first stanza each sentence begins with the first letter
of the Hebrew alphabet, in the second stanza each sentence begins
with the second letter, and so on through the whole alphabet. The
Hebrew alphabet is made up of twenty-two letters, and hence the
twenty-two stanzas and 176 verses;.
In the version below I used the English
alphabet, which includes twenty-six letters. Since I wanted the poem
to have twenty-two stanzas, like the original and Hebrew version, I
was, thankfully, able to avoid having to use the four letters Q, X,
Y, and Z. As an aid I have included the verses that each stanza
I used the well known Genevan 119 for
the musical setting because of its close association with the Psalm.
Whereas I used the metre of Genevan 119 I did not use the rhyming
scheme, largely because an acrostic poem puts the emphasis on the
first letter of the line rather than on the rhyming of the final
syllable of the line.
Using the parameters of acrostic and
tune the result is likely more of a hymn based on Psalm 119 than a
strictly literal versification of it. The reader will need to judge
whether my stanzas do justice to the stanzas found in the Bible.
One of the inspirations for this poem
was the Knox Bible, as translated by Mgr. Ronald Knox,
Psalm 119
All they are blest who walk obediently
A— verses 1-8
1. All they are blest who walk obediently
According to God's cov'nant testimonies.
Against what's wrong they stand whole-heartedly
Advancing only praise to God in heaven.
And thus I know that I won't be ashamed.
Alleluia, do not forsake your servant.
2. But how can youth remain pure all their days?
By careful reading of your perfect precepts.
Beyond all measure is your holy law.
Buried and stored, your word is like a treasure.
Blessed are you, oh teach me your decrees.
Basking in joy I'll not forget your judgments.
3. Come and deal richly with your servant, LORD.
Close not my eyes that I may see your statutes.
Comfort this pilgrim as I walk the earth.
Consumed am I with longing for your guidance.
Chasten the proud who wander far astray.
Counsel all those who keep your testimonies.
4. Dust is the substance to which my soul clings.
Devoted am I to your ordinances.
Direct me to your wondrous works and ways.
Deliver me from all that's false and treach'rous.
Delightful is the pure and faithful path.
Do open wide my heart for your commandments.
5. Expound to me your
statutes, which I'll keep.
Enlighten me that I may
know your precepts.
Each of your laws are my
delight and joy.
Establish now your promise
to your servant.
Enable me to lift my eyes t'ward you
as I long for all your perfect rulings.
6. Fulfill to me the
promise that you made
For then I will have
answers for my taunters.
Forsake me never but give
me your word.
Forever will I walk before
my Saviour.
Fearlessly will I speak
before the kings
wide open hands in love and worship.
7. Good is your word in
which you've made me hope.
Great is the comfort that
your promise gives me.
Gone are the traitors who
derided me.
Gleefully will I sing
about your statutes.
Gloom of the night cannot
erase my joy.
Grow greater love in me for
all your precepts.
8. How I do promise to
obey your words!
Heartfelt is my entreaty
for your favour.
Having considered all your
will I to keep all your commandments.
Hearken, O LORD, when I
arise at night
Happy to join in prayer
with those who fear you.
9. In faithfulness you
dealt so well with me.
Instruct me in your
knowledge all-surpassing.
I went astray before you
punished me.
It was to teach me, that I
was afflicted.
Is not your law worth more
to me than gold?
Indeed, I value it beyond
all measure.
10. Just as your hands
have made and fashioned me
Join to my knowledge love
for righteous living.
Joy is for those who walk
in godly ways.
Judge all the insolent who
wronged your servant.
Journey with me for I do
love your word.
Jealously keep me close to
you forever.
11. Keenly my soul longs
always for your grace.
Knowing your goodness, I
trust you forever.
Keep close to me, heal all
my bitter pain.
Kitchen-smoke burns my
eyes until they're weeping.
Knaves plot and scheme for
my demise, my death.
Kind as you are, save me
from wicked plotting.
12. Lord, fixed in heaven
is your faithful word.
Long as earth lasts it
will abide forever.
Lest I should fall you've
shown to me your truth.
Life-giving are your
precepts and commandments.
Lend me your aid for I
belong to you.
Limitless is your law and
all your teaching.
13. My greatest love is
for your perfect law.
More wisdom have I than
all of my teachers.
Methodica'lly I keep your
flawless word.
Made wise by you I shun
all that is evil.
Mindful of how your words
are very sweet
Morning till evening I
will be your student.
14. No lamp gives light
like your illum'ning word.
Never will I take back the
oaths I promised
Nor will I speak against
your chast'ning hand.
Now I will give my
freewill gifts to praise you.
Notorious men may lay
their snares for me
Nevertheless I'll serve my
LORD forever.
Out with the double-minded! Let them flee!
Hiding Place, please keep us safe forever.
of God there is no place to go.
all the “gods” the LORD alone is righteous.
God speaks words that we will always do.
we not tremble fearing God our Master!
16. Protect, O LORD, the
justice of my cause.
Pledge to me, God, some
good to show you love me.
Pining away my eyes look
up to you.
Pity your servant for he
loves your treasure
Prized far above the
finest gold on earth.
Praised be your precepts
loved by all the righteous.
17. Remarkable are all
your holy laws
Revealed by you to give us
Return to me and all who
love your name.
Rule over me that I may
walk uprightly.
Redeem me from the ways of
evil men.
Rivers of tears I shed for
man's so sinful.
18. Steadfast and true are
all God's rules and ways.
Strict righteousness is
what the Lord finds pleasing.
Small and despised seem I,
but blest am I:
Servant of God who does
his Master's bidding.
Suff'ring always, that is
my lot in life
So I depend upon your word
19. That I may keep your
statutes, answer me!
To you I cry, save me your
humble servant.
Toward the dawn I look
with anxious heart.
Throughout the night I
dwell upon your promise.
Teach me to trust in you
my only Help.
Then I will stand against
the persecutor.
20. Under affliction am I,
rescue me.
Uphold my cause and give
me life unending
Unknown to those who hate
your perfect way.
Unnumbered are your gifts
to those who serve you.
Unhappy are the faithless
Unchanging is your word of
truth forever.
21. Vexatious persecutors
fill the earth.
Victorious am I for the
LORD sustains me.
Villains I hate because
they hate your law.
Value, I pray, my
sevenfold thank-offr'ing.
Votive fine gifts I
sacrifice to you.
Vast is your love and
grace for all your people.
22. Where shall I look for wisdom in this life?
you not save me as you one time promised?
sort of praise shall burst forth from my lips?
you but move your hand to save your servant!
I stray like sheep that run away
me back for I love your commandments.