Friday, March 20, 2015

The Commissioned Servant (a lent poem)

The Commissioned Servant

1. O listen to me, distant nations;
hear this you islands far away:
Before my birth the Lord called me.
He knew my name before creation
of earth and heaven.

2. The Lord called me to preach the gospel.
He made my mouth a sharpened sword
so that I could proclaim his word.
He called me to be ever faithful
and speak what’s truthful.

3. I am God’s arrow, sharp and gleaming.
Inside his quiver I’m concealed.
But then at his time he will wield
me as his weapon – always aiming
for man’s repenting.

4. God said to me, “You are my servant.
You are my herald, Israel.
You must to all my glory tell.
In you I’ll show my splendour brilliant
to near and distant.”

5. But then I said, “They have abhorred me.
My efforts have all been in vain.
My work has met with their disdain.
But, I know God will yet reward me,
with love award me.”

6. And then the Lord gave me a mission –
the One who called me from my birth.
He said, “Go out to all the earth,
beyond the bounds of Israel’s nation
with my salvation.

7. “You will do more than call back Israel –
the tribes of Jacob I have kept.
The nations I also accept.
You will be light for all the Gentiles;
they’ll hear the gospel.”

George van Popta
Based on Isaiah 49:1-6
Metre: 9 8 8 9 5