For the tune, ELLERS, please click here:
David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly
1. Praise be to you, O LORD, our God and King,
for you created all and everything.
You are the God of father Israel.
Forevermore will we your praises tell.
2. To you, O LORD, belongs the victory,
the might and glory, and the majesty.
Our shout of praise from earth to heaven soars
for everything in heav’n and earth is yours.
3. Honour and riches come from you alone
for you are seated on the heav’nly throne.
Yours is the kingdom; you are over all.
We are your subjects who before you fall.
4. You, LORD, hold strength and power in your hand
and you exalt the people of the land.
Now, God, we thank and praise your glorious name
for it is splendid, age to age the same.
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:10-13; vers. George Ph. van Popta, © 2012 10 10 10 10
Tune: Edward John Hopkins, 1869 ELLERS