Saturday, April 08, 2006
Tomorrow evening I'm hosting the What does the Bible Say?" radio program. Sarah, Andre and Henk of the McMaster Lifeline are going to be my guests. We hope to cover, first, what the Bible says about life, specifically pre-natal life. Then we'll get into some of the pro-life apologetics. The program runs on AM 900 CHML 7:05-800 PM, Ontario time. If you live outside the listening area, you can listen live by going here and clicking on "listen live." After I interview Sarah, Andre and Hank for about 25 minutes, we'll throw open the phone lines at 7:30: 905-645-3221 or *9900. If you have a chance to listen, please do. If you care to call in, either to encourage or challenge, we'll welcome your call. I'm sure you'll appreciate listening to some Canadian young people who are not afraid to stand up in the public square (university campuses) and speak up for life. And they are not one issue people! Yes, their main concern is abortion, but they speak about that in the context of how we must honour human life from conception through old age.